• An Ode to the Game Boy Advance

    An Ode to the Game Boy Advance

    Twenty years ago today, I took my first step on a journey that would last a lifetime and completely, permanently change me as a person. It was my seventh birthday and I received a present I’d come to treasure more than maybe any I’d received before. Split across three packages, I unwrapped a shiny new…

  • Digital Sea Legs, or How Lost My VR Virginity

    Digital Sea Legs, or How Lost My VR Virginity

    I first tried on a virtual reality headset in the spring of 2017, back when I was a sophomore in college. It was a tough semester (as if they all weren’t) and I found myself at a pregame party with my a capella group at one of the on-campus theme houses. I didn’t really drink…

  • Best of the Summer Games Hype Train (Part 2: Demos)

    Best of the Summer Games Hype Train (Part 2: Demos)

    Another summer is upon us, ushered in for us gamers by oodles of announcements, a slew of sales, and (my personal favorite) the return of the Steam Next Fest! As I mentioned in part 1 of this summer games shenanigan summary, I’ve had a very, very busy June (hence why this post is like 2…

  • Best of the Summer Games Hype Train (Part 1: Directs and Trailers)

    Goodness gracious, June’s been a busy month for us gamers, hasn’t it? There’s been so much going on in my world between gaming stuff, IRL stuff, and everything Pride related that I couldn’t even get this post out in June. Busyness aside, I’ve had a blast catching up on all the big announcements from the…

  • 10 Positively LGBTQ+ Games to Fill You With Pride

    It is June once again and Pride is in full swing (at least here in America)! No matter which letters of the alphabet and colors of the rainbow speak to you the most, I wish you nothing but the best for the rest of this month. If you’re like me, you’ve probably been busy going…